0% Interest Free loans for 24 months
Time for your Business to go Solar?
Using the Sun for your business

Turn your facility into a self-producing power house and not worry about your electricity bills. This eliminates the stress of paying high electricity bills and gives you peace of mind to utilize your money on other important aspects of the business.

Your roof is free. Why not make all that free space used to generate your own electricity and rely less on fossil fuels and step forward to a more sustainable approach of business.

Take advantage of the government rebate, they get reduced every year. We have customers from the past who missed out on hundreds of dollars of rebates just because they waited a little too long to go solar.

Increase the value of your commercial facility by having a solar power system

Reduce your carbon footprint and show your commitment to a more greener and sustainable future for your customers and community

With a variety of increasing costs and market uncertainty, you can have peace of mind that you are shielded from rising electricity costs as you produce your own electricity

0% Interest Solar Loan Financing available so you pay less upfront
What does my customer journey look like?
Accept the Quote

To accept the quote, call Abhi or email ‘’

The Deposit

Once deposit is received, we will schedule the installation on the discussed date.

Installation Day

The installers will arrive with all the equipment and products needed for the installation according to the package you have chosen. The installation is usually started in the morning or afternoon depending upon schedule.

Energex Application

After confirming installation date, we will apply to Energex for your solar connection. It is mandatory to do so prior to installation on the property.

Final Payment

We’ll send you the final invoice after installation. You will receive the invoice from the email address ‘’

Call Your Retailer

After payment has been made we will send you the EWR code for the installation. You need to mention this code to your electricity retailer to organise your meter upgrade.

Meter Upgrade

Your Electricity Retailer will upgrade your meter. This usually takes 4 to 6 weeks.

Solar Monitoring

Each Solar Inverter has inbuilt WiFi which we connect to your home WiFi on the install day. We will create an account and send you the login details within 2 business days of your install.

Turn Your Solar On

If you can’t remember how to do this, give us a call.


Your house is now running on solar power! We will send you the installation pictures, manuals, and warranty documents shortly after.

We Only Sell Trusted Brands
Find Out More
We are Striving for Sustainability Beyond Selling Solar Panels
We hate seeing solar panels & inverters going into Landfills.
Which is why we work with recycling companies to offer solar panel & inverter recycling options to customers who want to do right by the environment.
It is important to avoid bad installation and use of cheap products that lead to such dumping of faulty systems in the first place.
We cannot control what other companies did in the past, but it is in our reach to take action the right way for the planet in the present.
Solar panel demo
Focus on quality solar panels:

The solar panels are tested and certified internationally with high standards of qualification.

The list of factory testing for each panel model is endless – Kiwa, Eurotest, Albarubens, Istituto Giordano, Laboratory LA.P.I. in Italy, Fraunhofer ISE, TÜV Rheinland and the Photovoltaik Institut Berlin in Germany, Kacst in Saudi Arabia, the University of San Paolo/Inmetro in Brazil, TÜV Rheinland, Schatz Energy Research Center, Humboldt State University in California, DEKRA, etc.

Going above & beyond in testing:

The solar panels are tested and certified internationally with high standards of qualification.

The list of factory testing for each panel model is endless – Kiwa, Eurotest, Albarubens, Istituto Giordano, Laboratory LA.P.I. in Italy, Fraunhofer ISE, TÜV Rheinland and the Photovoltaik Institut Berlin in Germany, Kacst in Saudi Arabia, the University of San Paolo/Inmetro in Brazil, TÜV Rheinland, Schatz Energy Research Center, Humboldt State University in California, DEKRA, etc.

Going above & beyond in certifications:

The solar panels are tested and certified internationally with high standards of qualification.

The list of factory testing for each panel model is endless – Kiwa, Eurotest, Albarubens, Istituto Giordano, Laboratory LA.P.I. in Italy, Fraunhofer ISE, TÜV Rheinland and the Photovoltaik Institut Berlin in Germany, Kacst in Saudi Arabia, the University of San Paolo/Inmetro in Brazil, TÜV Rheinland, Schatz Energy Research Center, Humboldt State University in California, DEKRA, etc.

Ready to go Solar? Simply fill in the form below & we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
1300 289 218